Get maximum signal from your satellite dish. With help of Enigma2 based box (e.g. Dreambox) and DMSatFinder - simple but really powerful sat finder tool - it would be piece of cake.
DMSatFinder requires box with Enigma2 software, connected to LAN and with WebInterface enabled.
Enigma2 based boxes are great, but with this tool could be even better. DMSatFinder shows signal values from your E2 box signal meter. It has nice, BUILT-IN BEEPER, so you'll have your both hands free. Now it includes handy CHANNEL/BOUQUET SWITCHER.
Never again need to watch TV screen or ask another person for help while aligning your satellite dish! Grab this tool and give it a try. You'll love it :)获取最大的卫星天线信号。随着基于Enigma2盒(如Dreambox的),和DMSatFinder - 简单,但真正强大的帮助下,坐在查找工具 - 这将是小菜一碟。
基于Enigma2箱是伟大的,但有了这个工具甚至可能会更好。 DMSatFinder显示E2箱仪表信号的信号值。它有一个漂亮,内置的蜂鸣器,这样你就会有你的双手自由。现在,包括方便的通道/花束SWITCHER。